woensdag 18 januari 2017

Speech van Ghada Abu Ghalyoun op de MENA-werkconferentie 17 januari

Hierna (*) de speech van Ghada Abu Ghalyoun van de PGFTU (de Palestijnse vakbeweging), ingebracht in de workshop over Palestina op verzoek van de Palestina-werkgroep tijdens de MENA-werkconferentie die op 17 januari 2017 in Utrecht plaatsvond.  Zij mocht helaas niet komen, nu.
De conclusies waren
1 - er was overeenstemming over het principe: "economische activiteiten van bedrijven in de bezette gebieden zijn onrechtmatig"

2 - dus ook overeenstemming over wat we willen bereiken: bedrijven moeten desinvesteren
3 - en we moeten nog verder discussiëren over de strategie van de FNV hoe we dat willen bereiken.

- Er was dus een goede globale aanzet in de drukbezochte workshop-discussie over BDS o.l.v. Coen van der Veer (zaken daar doen is onrechtmatig), en wij hopen snel met de PGFTU in een Palestina-conferentie verder te kunnen praten.
- Het spreekt verder uiteraard vanzelf dat over de uitvoering van BDS in overleg met de PGFTU moet worden overlegd; 'conversie' immers gaat altijd zoals eerder ook bij militaire productie (werkgelegenheid). Tevens werd dus gesproken over diverse vormen om de Palestijnse economie te versterken.

- Verder heeft en houdt de FNV uiteraard een zelfstandige verantwoordelijkheid, gegeven de FNV-MO-nota uit 2003 (zie op deze site in de rechterkolom).
- En er is veel internationaal recht; bijvoorbeeld ook het Internationaal Gerechtshof in ons eigen Den Haag, op 9 juli 2004, en de VN-veiligheidsraad eind 2016.



Speech van Ghada Abu Ghalyoun van de PGFTU

Coordinator of mutual project of Palestinian and Belgium project

Comrades, Brothers, sisters 
On behalf of Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU )and the Palestinian workers, I would like to thank you for giving us this chance to have this speech although we are not invited to this event. But we are sure of your concern to assist the Palestinian workers and the Palestinian people in whole.
Please, allow me today to express the gratitude of my colleagues, workers, and Palestinian people to everyone who has contributed to alleviating the sufferings of our people and all the oppressed people everywhere.
Sisters and Brothers, 
We are living under occupation which makes the situation of workers in Palestine is extremely worrying. The Israeli provocative measures we are facing today are many as: Closure, banning of free movement, collective punishment, illegal apartheid wall inside the Palestinian lands, checkpoints, destroying of public and private infrastructures, continuous expanding of illegal Israeli settlements, making products with stolen natural resources on the land of the Palestinian people, high percentages of unemployment and poverty. The Israeli occupation humiliates millions of Palestinians, robs them of meaningful citizenship, and violates their human rights on a daily basis.
Sisters and Brothers, 
What I want to address today is the silent sufferings of our workers, of the countless children that spend their nights hungry, of the families that live on one meal a day.
Today, the Palestinian workers are struggling day and night to earn the daily living for their families and to improve the conditions of their work.
They fight to build their free, democratic, and independent trade union movement. We are still fighting to stay in our homeland and to end the occupation of our land, air, water, and identity.
Our workers are being used and abused at Israeli settlements and industrial areas by brokers who only pay them a small portion of their wages. Most of the workers have been left with no option but to seek temporary work in the nearby illegal settlements with miserable conditions.
Sisters and Brothers, 
This is our bitter reality. The Palestinian labor movement is calling for a united international position that will end the illegal and illegitimate occupation of our land against international law.
Given that all forms of international intervention and peace-making have until now failed to convince or force Israel to comply with humanitarian law, to respect fundamental human rights and to end its occupation and oppression of the people of Palestine.
From here we appeal you to pressure your respective states to impose embargoes and sanctions against Israel for the sake of justice and genuine peace.
We as unions shall continue to be on our people side fighting for the respect of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian People, for the compliance with international law.

We know well that we are not alone in this fight! We wish you to be in the Palestinian People’s side in their fight for self-determination and defence of their rights, whilst condemning the brutal occupation and repression by Israel, the looting of their natural resources, the denial of their elementary rights and freedom, such as the right to water, to work, to schooling, to health, to sovereignty, to independence, in one word, to Life!
It is quite simple. Without democracy, without being able to build a modern State, there can be no workers’ rights. The recognition of our right to self-determination is a necessary for economic and social development and the emergence of the real labour legislation that we want so badly. Believe me, when every morning your mind is focused on the fear that you might not get through a check-point, it can be difficult to summon up the enthusiasm to campaign for a labour code that guarantees your rights in relation to your employers. Your concerns are elsewhere…Without a State, without security, what future can the Palestinians look forward to?
At a minimum, therefore, anyone who believes in the principle of self-determination must be in solidarity with Palestinian demands to boycott Israeli firms working on colonized lands, and to impose sanctions on analogy with the principle that supported sanctions on South Africa during the apartheid years. If those sanctions were not anti-white, but anti-racist, then sanctions against Israel are not anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish, but anti-colonial.
Yes there is an international movement of conscience against the Israeli government's endless breaches of international and humanitarian law that are very well documented on a daily basis .
All of the non-violent punitive measures should be maintained until Israel meets its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people's inalienable right to self-determination and fully complies with the precepts of international law by: 
1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall. 
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; 
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194. 
4. Boycotting of the Israeli Settlements and their Products. A boycott of the Israeli settlements and their products sends a clear, targeted message to the Israeli government, public and their supporters. 
Such a campaign would express clear opposition to the settlement enterprise in the OPT, one of the primary obstacles to a resolution of the conflict.
We know well that we are not alone in this fight.
With your support we hope that we can end the sufferings of our people and our workers by creating a comprehensive and just peace.
Thank you for your attention.


Het programma


FNV “welke rol voor de vakbeweging in het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika”

10.00 uur: Opening zaal
10.30 uur: Opening door vicevoorzitter FNV Catelene Passchier 
10.45 uur: Inleiding door dagvoorzitter Ali Gündüz
11.00 uur: Ontwikkeling van de vakbeweging in het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika en het belang voor de democratisering - Mustafa Tlili, Executive Secretary ATUC
11.20 uur: Vervoersbonden in de MENA regio – Hoe het allemaal begon.. - Bilal Malkawi, Regional Director Arab world ITF
11.40 uur: koffiepauze
12.00 uur: Vakbonden in Marokko: uitdagingen en kansen - Boulberj Lahoucine, FNSA
12.20 u : Lunchpauze
13.15 uur: Korte inleiding/toelichting thema’s
13.30 uur: Workshops:
  1) Versterken vakbonden en erkenning vakbondsrechten in de regio (Bilal Malkawi, Mustafa Tlili – Annie van Wezel)
  2) Leefbaar loon in de regio (Mohamed Dahmani – Maadey Meuleman)
  3) Empowerment van vrouwen / positie van vrouwen verankeren in de vakbondsstructuren (Anneke van Wezel, kaderleden vrouwencomité FNSA – Celil Coban)
  4) Business and Human Rights in Palestina (Coen van der Veer – Lucia van Westerlaak)
15.45 uur : Pauze / verzamelen aanbevelingen
16.00 uur: Terugkoppeling uit workshops Samenvatting door dagvoorzitter
16.30 uur: Afsluiting

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